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rillrill(Sleigh Bells的《Rill Rill》 歌词)

2024-09-23 08:23:14 [探索] 来源:披星戴月网

rillrill(Sleigh Bells的歌词《Rill Rill》 歌词)



  • Sleigh Bells的歌词《Rill Rill》 歌词
  • Sleigh Bells的《Rill Rill》中文 歌词意思?
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  • 谁知道rill rill这首歌的歌词?
  • Sleigh Bells的《Rill Rill》 歌词

    歌曲名:Rill Rill歌手:Sleigh Bells专辑:TreatsRill RillSleigh BellsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six and I know the partYou are the river flowAnd we can never knowWe're just a weathermanYou make the wind blowKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWhat about themI'm all about themSix such straight AsCut em in the bathroomSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six a I fell apartYou form a tarot packAnd I'm aware of thatBut we could fist fight drunk like the parent trapKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWe never blink seeAnd you can see meWe fell asleep in the middle of the furySo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six and I know the partYou are the river flowAnd we can never knowYou're just a weathermanWe make the wind blowKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWhat about themI'm all about themSix such straight AsCut em in the bathroomSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendshttp://music.baidu.com/song/846685

    Sleigh Bells的《Rill Rill》中文 歌词意思?



    歌名:撕心 歌手:钟洁 Rill Rill:咳~ 我想就这样牵着你的手不放开 钟洁:我想就这样~ Rill:唉呀不是你那样的是我这样的 钟洁:唉呀~~ Rill:我想就这样牵着你的手不放开 钟洁:我想就这样~ Rill:你找打是吧 故意瞎唱 你还记得么 2年前 我们这么幸福快乐 一起唱着 可现在 你在哪里 牵着谁的手呢 Rill:沉默 是因为情绪的低落 考虑好久 才会选择分手 心好痛 是因为爱划了一道伤口 泪在流 声音开始颤抖 钟洁:沉默 是因为找不到理由 冷战好久 最后还是开口 别难过 你会遇到给你幸福的人 原谅我 配不上你的温柔 Rill:你承诺会爱我很久很久 怎么现在 你让我猜不透 钟洁:对不起 我不能满足你所有 茫茫路口只能擦肩而过 爱停留 Rill:你离开以后我哭了很久 躲在房间 我看不到彩虹 钟洁:夜太深 是谁还徘徊在门口 有些梦关了灯才能拥有 你的吻 Rill:开门…… 钟洁:你别来找我了好吧 我不是已经对你讲过了 我们已经分手了 Rill:哎你有毛病是吧 谁答应跟你分手了 钟洁:你不要再背着我去问我朋友我怎么怎么样 Rill:你能不能听我说两句啊 钟洁:这就够了 就这样 Rill:好啊!你别后悔 钟洁:拜拜~ Rill:爱情 怎么让我百感交集 太多惊喜 害我措手不及 背着你 无时无刻打听你的消息 很爱你 所以不愿放弃 钟洁:爱情 只会让人得意忘形 哭红眼睛 也躲不过伤心 仔细听 是回忆狠狠撕碎你的心 在梦里 却痛得好清醒 Rill:你离开以后我哭了很久 躲在房间 我看不到彩虹 钟洁:夜太深 是谁还徘徊在门口 有些梦关了灯才能拥有 你的吻


    白色雪花编曲:谭炜星作曲:钟洁作词:墨客混音:刘书文演唱:钟洁rillrill:夜空中又飘落着白雪在这个不寒冷的冬天回忆被时间冻结定格在那天你对我说 再见 的画面夜空中又飘落着白雪在这个不寒冷的冬天回忆被时间冻结定格在那天你对我说 再见 的画面还是忘不了你的笑脸那是我戒不掉的疲倦习惯了整夜失眠怕再次梦见再次听见 你说 不见面钟洁:过去的那些伤害让时间继续封盖故事尘封之前而你对我说了good bay那天起这个屋檐没有了你的存在最后一页苦笑着对白我怎么释怀那天你身边的不是我会在很久后要忘了你的笑容再也不去想关于你的所有我只是想要醒过来你却还是不明白失眠的夜多精彩伪装了自己的伤害独白1:当眼泪流下来才知道即使分开也一种明白忍不住想哭一个世纪埋在废墟中而我的懦弱好安静独白2:雪花飘落在这个不寒冷的冬天我和你的回忆被时间慢慢冻结


    搜到了 请采纳哦












    你对我说 再见 的画面





    你对我说 再见 的画面





    再次听见 你说 不见面



    故事尘封之前而你对我说了good bay





















    谁知道rill rill这首歌的歌词?

    Rill RillSleigh BellsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six and I know the partYou are the river flowAnd we can never knowWe're just a weathermanYou make the wind blowKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWhat about themI'm all about themSix such straight AsCut em in the bathroomSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six a I fell apartYou form a tarot packAnd I'm aware of thatBut we could fist fight drunk like the parent trapKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWe never blink seeAnd you can see meWe fell asleep in the middle of the furySo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsHave a heart, have a heart, have a heartSixteen six six six and I know the partYou are the river flowAnd we can never knowYou're just a weathermanWe make the wind blowKeep thinking about every straight face yesWonder what your boyfriend thinks about your bassesWhat about themI'm all about themSix such straight AsCut em in the bathroomSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trendsSo this is it then?You're here to win friendClick click saddle up see you on the moon thenYou're all alone friend?Pick up the phone thenRill rill call them upTell them about the new trends

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